Monthly Report for February 2025
Total Hits 288638
Total Files 95248
Pages 227903
Visits 40868
Total Volume 441.47 MB
Total Unique Sites 15799
Total Unique URLs 68
Total Unique Referrers 710
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 3864
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 668 6233
Hits per Day 16035 25457
Files per Day 5291 10161
Pages per Day 12661 17475
Visits per Day 2270 2708
Sites per Day 877 2405
Volume per Day 24.53 MB 52.50 MB
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 20 0.01%
Code 101 - Switching Protocols 34 0.01%
Code 200 - OK 95246 33.00%
Code 206 - Partial Content 2 0.00%
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 167 0.06%
Code 304 - Not Modified 22 0.01%
Code 400 - Bad Request 20648 7.15%
Code 401 - Unauthorized 359 0.12%
Code 403 - Forbidden 318 0.11%
Code 404 - Not Found 167911 58.17%
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 300 0.10%
Code 408 - Request Timeout 1177 0.41%
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 3 0.00%
Code 417 - Expectation Failed 3 0.00%
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 2425 0.84%
Code 501 - Not Implemented 3 0.00%

Daily usage for February 2025

Daily Report for February 2025
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 16997 5.89% 8266 8.68% 14225 6.24% 83.69% 1869 4.57% 1581 4.79% 39.47 MB 8.94%
2 14028 4.86% 5683 5.97% 11562 5.07% 82.42% 2037 4.98% 1653 5.01% 27.50 MB 6.23%
3 19443 6.74% 10161 10.67% 17475 7.67% 89.88% 2163 5.29% 1728 5.24% 52.50 MB 11.89%
4 11619 4.03% 3718 3.90% 9099 3.99% 78.31% 1988 4.86% 1616 4.90% 16.12 MB 3.65%
5 14769 5.12% 6716 7.05% 10949 4.80% 74.14% 2535 6.20% 2405 7.29% 28.69 MB 6.50%
6 11752 4.07% 4245 4.46% 8825 3.87% 75.09% 2177 5.33% 1807 5.48% 16.70 MB 3.78%
7 16493 5.71% 8272 8.68% 13669 6.00% 82.88% 2630 6.44% 2256 6.84% 38.05 MB 8.62%
8 10686 3.70% 4163 4.37% 8394 3.68% 78.55% 2467 6.04% 2002 6.07% 14.88 MB 3.37%
9 12899 4.47% 4142 4.35% 10586 4.64% 82.07% 2506 6.13% 1990 6.03% 14.47 MB 3.28%
10 17277 5.99% 6439 6.76% 14819 6.50% 85.77% 2708 6.63% 2076 6.29% 32.80 MB 7.43%
11 13765 4.77% 4211 4.42% 11094 4.87% 80.60% 2692 6.59% 2074 6.29% 18.30 MB 4.14%
12 18513 6.41% 5712 6.00% 14442 6.34% 78.01% 2434 5.96% 2004 6.07% 28.66 MB 6.49%
13 16017 5.55% 3824 4.01% 13179 5.78% 82.28% 1934 4.73% 1466 4.44% 17.18 MB 3.89%
14 22072 7.65% 4375 4.59% 16502 7.24% 74.76% 2325 5.69% 1832 5.55% 21.23 MB 4.81%
15 20778 7.20% 5142 5.40% 16757 7.35% 80.65% 2639 6.46% 1860 5.64% 24.94 MB 5.65%
16 22545 7.81% 4790 5.03% 16172 7.10% 71.73% 2549 6.24% 1808 5.48% 23.34 MB 5.29%
17 25457 8.82% 4316 4.53% 17466 7.66% 68.61% 2635 6.45% 2126 6.44% 21.85 MB 4.95%
18 3528 1.22% 1073 1.13% 2688 1.18% 76.19% 688 1.68% 713 2.16% 4.80 MB 1.09%

Hourly usage for February 2025

Hourly Report for February 2025
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 938 16886 5.85% 404 7272 7.63% 761 13702 6.01% 81.14% 111 2013 12.74% 2.08 MB 37.36 MB 8.46%
1 656 11822 4.10% 236 4252 4.46% 499 8991 3.95% 76.05% 113 2034 12.87% 957.46 kB 17.23 MB 3.90%
2 608 10950 3.79% 222 3998 4.20% 513 9238 4.05% 84.37% 108 1959 12.40% 998.04 kB 17.96 MB 4.07%
3 675 12158 4.21% 232 4182 4.39% 551 9920 4.35% 81.59% 100 1814 11.48% 1.13 MB 20.32 MB 4.60%
4 774 13933 4.83% 290 5233 5.49% 631 11373 4.99% 81.63% 90 1635 10.35% 1.43 MB 25.71 MB 5.82%
5 676 12182 4.22% 204 3680 3.86% 509 9176 4.03% 75.32% 100 1808 11.44% 878.49 kB 15.81 MB 3.58%
6 593 10677 3.70% 213 3848 4.04% 475 8563 3.76% 80.20% 80 1456 9.22% 958.95 kB 17.26 MB 3.91%
7 738 13301 4.61% 209 3776 3.96% 530 9546 4.19% 71.77% 77 1396 8.84% 887.88 kB 15.98 MB 3.62%
8 598 10770 3.73% 172 3101 3.26% 479 8624 3.78% 80.07% 70 1269 8.03% 744.84 kB 13.41 MB 3.04%
9 776 13981 4.84% 189 3413 3.58% 581 10474 4.60% 74.92% 76 1380 8.73% 964.99 kB 17.37 MB 3.93%
10 989 17809 6.17% 272 4901 5.15% 789 14213 6.24% 79.81% 77 1403 8.88% 1.45 MB 26.07 MB 5.91%
11 624 11233 3.89% 229 4137 4.34% 507 9138 4.01% 81.35% 78 1413 8.94% 1.07 MB 19.24 MB 4.36%
12 638 11495 3.98% 167 3015 3.17% 510 9184 4.03% 79.90% 70 1267 8.02% 711.38 kB 12.80 MB 2.90%
13 505 9093 3.15% 177 3194 3.35% 402 7245 3.18% 79.68% 71 1288 8.15% 729.12 kB 13.12 MB 2.97%
14 442 7962 2.76% 177 3198 3.36% 362 6521 2.86% 81.90% 72 1310 8.29% 708.27 kB 12.75 MB 2.89%
15 545 9814 3.40% 212 3832 4.02% 439 7910 3.47% 80.60% 63 1151 7.29% 911.73 kB 16.41 MB 3.72%
16 574 10345 3.58% 171 3081 3.23% 451 8135 3.57% 78.64% 64 1167 7.39% 705.88 kB 12.71 MB 2.88%
17 810 14586 5.05% 320 5765 6.05% 693 12478 5.48% 85.55% 55 994 6.29% 1.64 MB 29.49 MB 6.68%
18 488 8792 3.05% 189 3405 3.57% 390 7023 3.08% 79.88% 58 1055 6.68% 815.29 kB 14.68 MB 3.32%
19 555 10005 3.47% 179 3224 3.38% 451 8118 3.56% 81.14% 60 1097 6.94% 780.71 kB 14.05 MB 3.18%
20 877 15792 5.47% 253 4562 4.79% 637 11470 5.03% 72.63% 65 1178 7.46% 1.30 MB 23.49 MB 5.32%
21 529 9526 3.30% 155 2794 2.93% 418 7532 3.30% 79.07% 51 929 5.88% 665.62 kB 11.98 MB 2.71%
22 502 9037 3.13% 146 2637 2.77% 410 7393 3.24% 81.81% 54 973 6.16% 625.55 kB 11.26 MB 2.55%
23 916 16489 5.71% 263 4748 4.98% 663 11936 5.24% 72.39% 56 1008 6.38% 1.39 MB 24.99 MB 5.66%
Top 30 of 68 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 59123 20.48% 153.57 MB 34.79% /
2 21663 7.51% 128.74 MB 29.16% /phpmyadmin/
3 4972 1.72% 4.75 MB 1.08% /server-status
4 2575 0.89% 1.51 MB 0.34% /apps/
5 1294 0.45% 4.99 MB 1.13% /html/
6 1228 0.43% 2.27 MB 0.51% /awffull/
7 542 0.19% 5.42 MB 1.23% /awffull/usage_202502.html
8 372 0.13% 4.53 MB 1.03% /awffull/usage_202501.html
9 325 0.11% 3.94 MB 0.89% /awffull/usage_202412.html
10 204 0.07% 275.98 kB 0.06% /awffull/awffull.css
11 20 0.01% 12.58 kB 0.00%
12 16 0.01% 2.38 kB 0.00%
13 9 0.00% 14.51 kB 0.00% /munin/static/style-new.css
14 3 0.00% 4.95 kB 0.00% /munin/apache-day.html
15 3 0.00% 8.08 kB 0.00% /munin/static/dynazoom.html
16 3 0.00% 12.02 kB 0.00% /munin/static/formatdate.js
17 3 0.00% 2.67 kB 0.00% /munin/static/querystring.js
18 3 0.00% 5.98 kB 0.00% /munin/webserver-day.html
19 2 0.00% 130.35 kB 0.03% /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-graph/localdomain/localhost.localdomain/varnish_request_rate-pinpoint
20 2 0.00% 3.28 kB 0.00% /munin/
21 2 0.00% 5.15 kB 0.00% /munin/localdomain/localhost.localdomain/varnish_request_rate.html
22 2 0.00% 4.61 kB 0.00% /munin/static/favicon.ico
23 1 0.00% 291 bytes 0.00% /.well-known/acme-challenge/le-67a9f9062042f6.63794630.txt
24 1 0.00% 1.67 kB 0.00% /
25 1 0.00% 1.67 kB 0.00% /
26 1 0.00% 1.67 kB 0.00% /
27 1 0.00% 1.67 kB 0.00% /
28 1 0.00% 1.67 kB 0.00% /
29 1 0.00% 1.67 kB 0.00% /
30 1 0.00% 1.67 kB 0.00% /
... 196264 68.00% 131.26 MB 29.73% Other
Top 10 of 68 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 59123 20.48% 153.57 MB 34.79% /
2 21663 7.51% 128.74 MB 29.16% /phpmyadmin/
3 542 0.19% 5.42 MB 1.23% /awffull/usage_202502.html
4 1294 0.45% 4.99 MB 1.13% /html/
5 4972 1.72% 4.75 MB 1.08% /server-status
6 372 0.13% 4.53 MB 1.03% /awffull/usage_202501.html
7 325 0.11% 3.94 MB 0.89% /awffull/usage_202412.html
8 1228 0.43% 2.27 MB 0.51% /awffull/
9 2575 0.89% 1.51 MB 0.34% /apps/
10 204 0.07% 275.98 kB 0.06% /awffull/awffull.css
... 196340 68.02% 131.48 MB 29.78% Other
Top 10 of 23 Total Entry Pages
# Entry Page Views Single Access Stickiness Popularity (Good > 1) URL
1 27290 89.49% 18047 33.87% 1.1 /
2 1142 3.74% 1046 8.41% 0.9 /apps/
3 478 1.57% 440 7.95% 0.9 /html/
4 471 1.54% 401 14.86% 1.0 /awffull/
5 269 0.88% 217 19.33% 0.9 /awffull/usage_202502.html
6 251 0.82% 242 3.59% 1.0 /awffull/usage_202412.html
7 247 0.81% 236 4.45% 1.0 /awffull/usage_202501.html
8 77 0.25% 46 40.26% 0.8 /server-status
9 37 0.12% 36 2.70% 0.8 /
10 34 0.11% 32 5.88% 0.9 /munin/static/dynazoom.html
... 199 0.65% 151     Other
Top 10 of 24 Total Exit Pages
# Exit Page Views Popularity (Good > 1) URL
1 25364 88.13% 1.1 /
2 1221 4.24% 0.9 /apps/
3 529 1.84% 0.9 /html/
4 472 1.64% 1.0 /awffull/
5 300 1.04% 0.9 /awffull/usage_202502.html
6 258 0.90% 1.0 /awffull/usage_202412.html
7 243 0.84% 1.0 /awffull/usage_202501.html
8 102 0.35% 0.8 /server-status
9 47 0.16% 0.8 /
10 39 0.14% 0.7 /phpmyadmin/
... 206 0.72%   Other
Top 30 of 15799 Total Sites
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 9874 4.33% 9874 3.42% 9874 10.37% 14.58 MB 3.30% 2 0.00% ::1
2 6280 2.76% 6681 2.31% 6324 6.64% 6.71 MB 1.52% 1 0.00%
3 6070 2.66% 12029 4.17% 16 0.02% 4.10 MB 0.93% 14 0.03%
4 5477 2.40% 6603 2.29% 111 0.12% 2.29 MB 0.52% 46 0.11%
5 5400 2.37% 5880 2.04% 0 0.00% 1.81 MB 0.41% 23 0.06%
6 5175 2.27% 5635 1.95% 0 0.00% 1.73 MB 0.39% 23 0.06%
7 4329 1.90% 9271 3.21% 71 0.07% 3.31 MB 0.75% 19 0.05%
8 4050 1.78% 4410 1.53% 0 0.00% 1.35 MB 0.31% 17 0.04%
9 3600 1.58% 3920 1.36% 0 0.00% 1.20 MB 0.27% 15 0.04%
10 2992 1.31% 3505 1.21% 348 0.37% 5.57 MB 1.26% 144 0.35%
11 2881 1.26% 2881 1.00% 2097 2.20% 12.63 MB 2.86% 1 0.00%
12 2879 1.26% 2965 1.03% 37 0.04% 1.62 MB 0.37% 26 0.06%
13 2832 1.24% 2832 0.98% 2097 2.20% 12.61 MB 2.86% 1 0.00%
14 2783 1.22% 2783 0.96% 2097 2.20% 12.57 MB 2.85% 1 0.00%
15 2732 1.20% 2732 0.95% 2019 2.12% 12.13 MB 2.75% 1 0.00%
16 2620 1.15% 2620 0.91% 2124 2.23% 12.67 MB 2.87% 1 0.00%
17 2510 1.10% 5286 1.83% 11 0.01% 1.83 MB 0.42% 7 0.02%
18 2475 1.09% 2695 0.93% 0 0.00% 827.98 kB 0.19% 11 0.03%
19 2376 1.04% 2993 1.04% 621 0.65% 7.44 MB 1.69% 34 0.08%
20 2349 1.03% 2349 0.81% 1648 1.73% 9.95 MB 2.25% 1 0.00%
21 2116 0.93% 2124 0.74% 0 0.00% 627.24 kB 0.14% 1 0.00%
22 2060 0.90% 3404 1.18% 482 0.51% 6.00 MB 1.36% 19 0.05%
23 2025 0.89% 2205 0.76% 0 0.00% 677.44 kB 0.15% 9 0.02%
24 1840 0.81% 1840 0.64% 1398 1.47% 8.38 MB 1.90% 1 0.00%
25 1763 0.77% 1763 0.61% 1761 1.85% 1.27 MB 0.29% 101 0.25%
26 1754 0.77% 1754 0.61% 1365 1.43% 8.17 MB 1.85% 1 0.00%
27 1719 0.75% 1719 0.60% 1398 1.47% 8.34 MB 1.89% 1 0.00%
28 1512 0.66% 2909 1.01% 268 0.28% 4.66 MB 1.06% 135 0.33%
29 1433 0.63% 1433 0.50% 596 0.63% 2.21 MB 0.50% 45 0.11%
30 1374 0.60% 2713 0.94% 10 0.01% 2.70 MB 0.61% 43 0.11%
... 130623 57.32% 168830 58.49% 58475 61.39% 271.51 MB 61.50% 40124 98.18% Other
Top 10 of 15799 Total Sites By Volume
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 9874 4.33% 9874 3.42% 9874 10.37% 14.58 MB 3.30% 2 0.00% ::1
2 2620 1.15% 2620 0.91% 2124 2.23% 12.67 MB 2.87% 1 0.00%
3 2881 1.26% 2881 1.00% 2097 2.20% 12.63 MB 2.86% 1 0.00%
4 2832 1.24% 2832 0.98% 2097 2.20% 12.61 MB 2.86% 1 0.00%
5 2783 1.22% 2783 0.96% 2097 2.20% 12.57 MB 2.85% 1 0.00%
6 2732 1.20% 2732 0.95% 2019 2.12% 12.13 MB 2.75% 1 0.00%
7 2349 1.03% 2349 0.81% 1648 1.73% 9.95 MB 2.25% 1 0.00%
8 1840 0.81% 1840 0.64% 1398 1.47% 8.38 MB 1.90% 1 0.00%
9 1719 0.75% 1719 0.60% 1398 1.47% 8.34 MB 1.89% 1 0.00%
10 1754 0.77% 1754 0.61% 1365 1.43% 8.17 MB 1.85% 1 0.00%
... 196519 86.23% 257254 89.13% 69131 72.58% 329.46 MB 74.63% 40857 99.97% Other
Top 30 of 710 Total Referrers
# Pages URL
1 224745 98.61% - (Direct Request)
2 1120 0.49%
3 121 0.05%
4 117 0.05%
5 72 0.03%
6 56 0.02%
7 32 0.01%
8 29 0.01%
9 26 0.01%
10 26 0.01%
11 21 0.01%
12 21 0.01%
13 21 0.01%
14 20 0.01%
15 19 0.01%
16 18 0.01%
17 18 0.01%
18 18 0.01%
19 18 0.01%
20 17 0.01%
21 16 0.01%
22 15 0.01% ()
23 14 0.01%
24 14 0.01%
25 13 0.01%
26 13 0.01%
27 13 0.01%
28 12 0.01%
29 12 0.01%
30 11 0.00%
... 1235 0.54% Other
Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings
# Pages Search String
1 31 100.00%
Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files Volume Visits Username
1 92 0.03% 86 0.09% 1.52 MB 0.34% 2 0.00% admin
Top 15 of 3864 Total User Agents
# Pages User Agent
1 74368 32.63% Browser: Safari (OSX)
2 18503 8.12% Browser: Netscape 4.8
3 14122 6.20% Custom-AsyncHttpClient
4 10933 4.80% Browser: Firefox
5 4972 2.18% Munin - http_loadtime
6 4972 2.18% munin/2.0.73 (libwww-perl/6.68)
7 3607 1.58% curl/7.54.0
8 3398 1.49% Go-http-client/1.1
9 2925 1.28% l9explore/1.2.2
10 2747 1.21% Expanse, a Palo Alto Networks company, searches across the global IPv4 space multiple times per day to identify customers' presences on the Internet. If you would like to be excluded from our scans, please send IP addresses/domains to:
11 2133 0.94% fasthttp
12 1705 0.75% python-requests/2.32.3
13 1624 0.71% Spider: Googlebot
14 1323 0.58% Cpanel-HTTP-Client/1.0
15 1192 0.52% Hello World
... 184807 81.09% Other

Usage by Country for February 2025

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 227903 100.00% 288638 100.00% 95248 100.00% 441.47 MB 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown